Selasa, 03 Mei 2016



                  Morphology deals with the bare bricks of grammer, the minimal unit of grammatical analycis/ func tion, morphen syntax deals with the arrangement of the component of morphemes(i.e. bigger units callied words) onto sequntial units grammatical functions.
                        The morpheme is the minimal unit of grammatical analycis/ function thus morphology is the study of morphemes of a languange  morphemes the unit that cambines with other  morphemes to for the nexs functional unit , the word . for example,

Py (adj.)                                      live  (verb)                       please (verb)                                   man (noun)
happy (adj.)                             live ly (adj)                     dis please (verb)                           man ly (adj.)
pi ness (noun)                        live li hood (noun)    pleas ant (adj.)                            man  hood (noun)

          The word “ morph” has to be explained here. If, for example, the “happy” is articulated  thirty times, we say that we have articulated the morph “happy” thirty times, with 30 morphs. But on it      s own is a morpheme, indicated n curly breckets because it carries a grammatical function.
Thus all, word ( of all function) are morphemes or inbination of morphemes. A word is always made up of one or morphemes, although a morpheme does not necessarily  a word ( as seen in “di”, “ly”, “ex”, and  “r e”). Exampes of words the one morpheme composition ( monomorphemic words) are : “are”, “is”, “you”, “come”, “go”, and those with more one morpheme one polmerphemic words) are : “eating “ , ” scomporf”, “going”, “coming”, unecessary “, “revolution”, “convenience”, internationalisational”,  “accreditation”, disestablish mentarianism”.
Word formation processes
Ø Affixation. A ffication is the procces where a bound morpheme is attached to a free morpheme  in various syntatic positions pre, intra ( whithin) and post positions – also know as initial, medial and final positions, giving the “root” + affix combination.
Ø Compounding. Compounding is the process where two or more  roots combine to produce a new word, for example : horse + cart à horse – cart, rail + way à railway. Compounds are from all classes of words, including minor classes.
Ø Redupliction. Reduplication is the process where by a single root is repeated to from a new word.
Ø Clipping. This process occurs when a multisyllabic word is shortened, as in the example :
Examination à Exam
Dormitory à Dorm
Laboratoy à Lab
Professor à prof
Telephone à Phone
Delicatessen à  deli
Condominium à Condo
Ø   Acronymy. This is the orocess when all the wors the combine in a tittle are shorthened to only the initialis or firs few letters of each.

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