Sentences are not only sequences of words. There is more
sructure than metts the eye. Look for example :
villa costs a fortune.
The word s are
ordered by their appereances, or is
spoken, by their temporal arrangement. This ordering is linier. It satisfies
the following postulates :
words precedes itself. (Irreflexivity)
If w precedes
w’ and w’ precedes w’ then w precedes w’. (transitivity)
For any two distinet words w and w’ either w
precedes w’ or w’ precedes w.
We claim that. For example, /a
fortune / is a sequence of different catacter than / costs a /. One reason is
that it can be replaced by / much / without affecting grammaticality.
villa costs much.
Likewise, instead of / this villa / we can say
Free Grammars
DP is the category o which / this villa /bellongs, and if VP is the category to
which / costs a fortune/ bellongs, then we are entintlet to substitute any DP
for / this villa /, and any VP for / costs a fortune/:
this villa) ( costs a fortune)
car) (walks)
(it) (catches
the bus)
sunshime) (sings
praise to the lord.)
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