Selasa, 22 Maret 2016

Buku Introduction to Llinguistic

Gambar Buku di atas adalah buku yang saya miliki dalam mata kuliah Introduction to Lingustic  dan buku ini berjudul Introduction to Linguistic , buku ini di tulis oleh:
Marcus Kracht
Departemen of Linguistics, UCLA
3125 Campbell Hall
450 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1543
buku ini sangat bagus ,karena buku ini sangat cocok  bagi mahasiswa pemula yg baru mempelajari dan mengenal ilmu linguistic di dalam buku ini, menjelaskan hal-hal yang menjadi dasar dalam ilmu lingustic dan isinya sangat rinci dan lengkap...



Phonetic s the study of sound. To understand the physiolgy of the human body. Letters represent sound in a rather intricate way. This has advantages and disadvantages. To represent sounds by letters in an accurate and uniform way the International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA) was created.
The Analysis of Speech Sounds

            First of all, the continuum of speech is broken up into a squence of discrete units, which we referred to as souds. Thus we are analysing language utterancs as sequence of sounds. Right away we mention that there is an exception. Intonation and stress are an exception to this. The sentences below ae distinct only in intonation ( falling pitch versus falling and rising pitch).
·         you spoke with the maneger.
·          you spoke with the manager?

Naming the Sound
The way to name a sound is by stringing together its attributes. However, there is a distinction between  naming vowels and consonants. For example, [p] is described as a voiceless, bilabial stop, [m] is called a (voiced) bilabial nasal. The rules are as follows :

  • ·         Voicing place manner

            Sometimes other features are added. If we want to describe [p] we say that it is a voiceless bilabial aspirate stop. The additional specification ‘aspirated’ is a manner attribute, so it is put after the place description(but before the attribute ‘stop’, since the latter is a noun ). For example, the squence’voiced retroflex fricative’ refers to [z], as can be seen from the IPA chart.
            Vowels on the other hand ae always described as ‘vowel’, and all the other features are attributes. We have for example the description of[y] as’ high front rounded vowel’. This showes that the squeance is

  • ·         Hight place lip-attitude [nasality]  vowel

Nasality is optional. If nothing is said, the vowel is not nasal.

On Strict Transcription
Since IPA tries to symblize a sound with precision, there is a tension between accuracy and usefulness. As we shall see later, the way a phoneme is realized changes from environment to environment.


 The Sound of English
Phonetic symbol                                         word illustrating
p                                                                                     pope
b                                                                                               barber
m                                                                                              mum
f                                                                                                 fife
v                                                                                               vital, live
t                                                                                                taunt
d                                                                                               deed
n                                                                                               nun
r                                                                                                rare
θ                                                                                               thousandth
Ò                                                                                               this, breathe
 s                                                                                               source, fuss
z                                                                                                zanies