Kamis, 16 November 2017


Name : Rumintang . H
Kls : V a
NIM : 1588203041
1.      What is sociolinguistics ?
Answer ; Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that specifically examines the use of language in society. Initially sociolinguistics is called the sociology of language (language sociology) or language in society. Because of the influence of sociology, sociology of language is expected to examine in depth the two things, namely the use of language in society and the social organization of behavior (social behavioral organization that includes attitude, views).
Study materials Sociolinguistics Materials for sociolinguistic studies that need to be understood are: (1) Language variety, (2) dialect, sociolec, ideolek and register, (3) standard and non-standard, (4) English language, (5) language boundry is not (7) verbal communication and non-verbal communication, (8) coding and coding events, (9) speech scenes, and (10) language planning.
2.      Why do we learn sociolingustics ?
Answer : because in sociolinguistic studying the way of usage of language and social behavior that includes attitude and view in society and we as creatures of the most intelligent creativity is important for us to understand how to interact or know our social scope, especially in interacting media such as Bicycles

3.      What is the relationship between language and society?
Answer : language is subuah media in communicating and society that is masyartakat. from that statement we can relate two main words namely the use of language in the society that involves various languages ranging from dialect, vocabulary, meaning and pronunciation

4.      Please mention and explain the branches of linguistics!
Answer : sociolinguistics ; the study of language and society.
 stylistics : the study of language and literature
psycholinguistics : the study of language and mind.
linguistics : the simulation of language by the use of computers.
comparative linguistics : the study of different languages and their respective                            linguistic  systems.
historical linguistics :  the study of language change over time.
applied linguistics :  the study of language teaching. (You will sometimes findthat      stylistics andcomparative linguistics are treated as sub-branches ofapplied  linguistics.)
5.      What is standard language? Giving an example!
Answer : The meaning of the standard language is (variety) of language accepted for use in official situations, such as in legislation and official correspondence or language of unity in a multilingual language community; standard language

6.      Elaborating the language, dialect and accent , please !
Answer : Language is a medium in communication that consists of vocabulary, meaning, and pronunciation
dialect is a style of language formed from the result of language variation
accent is our pronunciation style starts from intonation and pronunciation

7.      Giving an example of formal language and informal language!
Answer : contoh bahasa formal dan informal in bahasa :
1. korps – korp
2. berkata – bilang
3. hanya – cuma, cuman
4. olahraga – olah raga
5. daripada – ketimbang
6. lepas – copot
7. suku cadang – onderdil
8.      What aspects of language are sociolinguistics intertested in?
Answer :because in Sociolinguistics talk about Language variety, dialect, sociolec, ideolek and register, standard and non-standard, English language, language boundry is not  verbal communication and non-verbal communication, coding and coding events,  speech scenes, and language planning
9.      When two or more people from different language met and tried  to communicate, what should they do ?
b. creole
c. lingua franca
answer : c lingua franca
10.  Why do people switch and mix a language ?
Answer : is used for some reason they use it to be creative in a variety of languages, and it is also used to improve the understanding and pronunciation in foreign languages furthermore they use it to emphasize the association of certain groups
11.  Giving an example of code switching and code mixing !
Answer : example of code switching
febti : bsok ica ikut ke padang katanya di mau jumpa sama gaeknya
rumi : boasa harus dohot ibana jadi songon dia tugas kelompok ta
febti : imda sogot hudokon pe tu ibana
example of code mixing
Rumi : sogot aku malas kampus

Speech Communities

"Is Slang include of speech communities?why?"
because they are both created by several groups and the group itself understands their language

" Is it possible if one of speech communities used by other communities?"
     please explain? may be
because as a good-developed speech communities, it is important to keep us conditioned our language so as not to cause misunderstandings to the listener
 Why speech communities exist?
because with the speech communities some groups can feel more bonding relationship speech communities
 Is it same between social communities and social dialect?why?
      because we know that speech communities are a group language created by the group itself and created using dialect, the way of pronunciation and meaning of a language itself or created based on their own style

What is benefit of speech communities
the benefits of speech communities is can broaden the horizons of our vocabulary with certain classeses and can strengthen the relationship

the conclusion is that speech community is a group of people who speak the same language and share the same dialect, words, and grammar rules of a language as a standard. These individuals also share the understanding of at least one language so that they may communicate with each other.

code-switching and mixing

Group 4:
Ade Gustia Putri
Indah Ayu Widuna

 What Is Code Switching And Code Mixing?
code-switching is the use of other languages or other languages in a single conversation to conform to other roles or situations or because of other participants. This phenomenon is generally associated with multilingualism, but unlike other phenomena of language contact, such as borrowing, pijin, and creole. 
Is it suitable when we used code mixing in the school or public?Why?

yes because one of the benefits of code switching and mixing is to add insight, especially in the addition of vocabulary then the code switching and mixing we can use as one of the media to add vocabulary to students 

Why people should switching and mixing  language ?

There are several reasons why people code over or mix code.
for solidarity, respect for the other person,signal membership (ethnicity), over the role, quoting, affective,metaporetic reasons, andvocabulary limitations